What Every Independent School Leader Should Know About LD

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Levels of Support and Current School Mindset

Most independent schools are considering increasing support for students with learning issues. Whether you have no learning specialists, a tutorial program, one learning specialist or an entire team, we are all tyring to provide the services that will help us keep great students in our schools.

But it is not just about the number of learning specialists that your school employs or the number of tutors. The community mindset is crucial and professional development to provide rich, engaging classroom experiences that level the playing field for students with Learning Disabilities is key.

First, determine your current level of support. Then determine the need in your school AND the resiliency of your community. Remember, having students with Learning Disabilities in your community can be like owning a hybred car...different and quite possibly better than the traditional models. We need the creative, divergent thinkers that students with non traditional learning styles provide in our classrooms.

Once you have determined the current need and mindset, choose your professional debvelopment to move you forward. Watch for the next post on great professional development for all stages of your school mindset.

1 comment:

  1. I have been surprised to hear that a lot of public schools are also adding more special needs programs. My kids are enrolled in a great independent school and we love it. I am happy to hear that public education is improving though. Annie|www.westoverschool.org
